8 research outputs found


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    The paper collects together and describes the main and most known Agile methodologies. Those methodologies are then compared in order to assess their fit in the context of highly innovative non-software companies. In particular, the focus is on a full system supplier for food processing and packaging equipment, packaging material and services. The fit between the Agile methodologies and the company is performed considering the innovation and development processes in place into the Research and Development department of the company itself. By doing so the paper aims at contributing to the theme of Agile application in non-software industries. Moreover, it will support in the choice of which method or framework suits better having clear the needs and characteristics of that specific context. Finally, the paper provides also a suggestion about how to approach this kind of choices


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    Assalito dalla felicità corsi al mare, guardai l’acqua e fui preso da una forza, non mia, non umana che mi trascinò in acqua. Lì venni rapito da fantastiche sensazioni, l’adrenalina salì a mille, vidi un enorme creatura che suscitò in me delle emozioni mai provate prima, si era avvicinata talmente tanto che stava per toccarmi e, appena lo fece, il mio corpo si illuminò magicamente, le mie mani iniziarono pian piano ad assottigliarsi, il mio petto diventava sempre più piccolo e tondo e da lì a poco, ero diventato un polpo

    Sistema per riconoscimento vocale per applicazioni industriali

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    In questa tesi si affronta il progetto di un sistema per riconoscimento vocale automatico per applicazioni industriali integrabile in sistemi elettronici portatili basati su DSP. Inizialmente viene fatto un quadro riassuntivo di quanto disponibile attualmente per ciò che riguarda le tecniche di preparazione e classificazione del segnale. Nei capitoli successivi si descrive l'estrazione di features, dal segnale audio di partenza con filtri di Mel, il processo di classificazione mediante Support Vector Machines (SVM) e l'implementazione del software su un sistema embedded

    Problematiche di CompatibilitĂ  Elettromagnetica: Requisiti per Sistemi Militari

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    Scopo della presente tesi è quello di fornire una panoramica dei requisiti che un sistema elettronico deve possedere affinché possa essere utilizzato nell’ambiente elettromagnetico militare a cui è destinato senza subire degradi prestazionali. Il riferimento principale è lo Standard MIL-STD-464A

    Product Service System Design: How to Design Humans Application of a methodology in a PSS development with high human involvement

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    A three-step methodology is proposed to support development teams in product-service system (PSS) development projects. The methodology specifically addresses the problem of designing humans as part of the system. The human presence is a matter of fact when it comes to PSSs. They are the soft system delivering the service part of the PSS, which is also the most value adding for stakeholders. Furthermore many manufacturing companies are moving towards the integration of products and services. There are many structured approaches to support the design of software and tangible objects, i.e. the hard system. However there is a lack of guidance when it comes to the human presence design and integration with the hard system. The methodology aims at filling this gap. It was validated in a PSS development project within a company with a strong focus in product development. Hence it had to fit to an already in place product development framework. The findings were used to further refine the methodology. The methodology was fully applicable within that specific framework. However further validation runs are necessary to ensure its generality. The methodology will support the shift from pure manufacturer to product-service deliverer for those companies willing to change the rules of competition and to deliver more value to their customers

    Value Chain vs Life Cycle Approach for Product Extensions

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    Abstract-The methodology presented in this paper aims at supporting the whole needs and the Stakeholder Requirements definition in product development or product extension projects. To achieve that goal, the methodology forces to take into account the relevant Stakeholders and the Product Life-Cycle phases they impact on for that product. The paper shows a practical example taken from a real product extension project where the methodology was used. Since the main inputs for product extensions usually come from the marketing department, it resulted to be very effective in broadening the perspective. Thus it ended up in a holistic list of requirements, covering the needs of all the Stakeholders. Requirements frame the development problem, hence, as more they are complete as less failure risks there are. The methodology requires further experiments in other industries to prove its generality. Nonetheless it is expected to provide great support in product extension activities by lowering failure risk and by helping in satisfying all the Stakeholder needs